Sunday, July 27, 2008

Yuelu Academy - Changsha, Hunan, China - July 2008

Exterior view of the temple @ Yuelu Academy
We recently travelled to China to complete the adoption of our daughter, Joanna Mei.
During our stay, we had the opportunity to visit several sites which became the subjects for a photo journal of our journey. One of the stops on our itinerary was the Yuelu Academy
(now Hunan University) which dates back 1000 years or so. A famous alumni ....... Confucius.
So, here are the photos of our brief visit.

Bamboo plants line a walkway connecting buildings at Yuelu Academy

Bamboo graffiti - no spray paint here.

Views of the temple through 2 courtyard approaches.

Koi pond.

Window ornamentation in the men's restroom.

Student picking his toes in a beautiful pastoral setting.

Ancient high tech scaffolding.

Ornamental ceramic plates close up the ends of roof tiles.

Dragon roof ornamentation.


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Love the photos... makes me want to head there now... take care

Michael said...

Hey, nice to see my "tag" on the bamboo is still there! :P *kidding* of course. Great shots as always - between you and Gayle I'm not sure whose "mad photo skillz" I "nv" more!